In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself astray in a dark wood where the straight road had been lost sight of.
Dante Alighieri
About Me

M.Sc Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - Exeter University
British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy - MBACP (Accred)
Registration 385571
Member of the British Psychotherapy Foundation
Member of the British Psychoanalytic Council (CAND)
I believe that our capacity to cope with issues that arise in adult life, whether this is how we experience the world, relate to others, cope with difficult situations or understand and manage what can often be overwhelming emotions, is ultimately bound up with our early experiences. Whether we wish to or not we carry our history with us and sometimes this does not provide the strong foundation needed to engage and embrace life or weather its storms. I work with clients to recognise the origins of their difficulties so that together we might arrive at a place where life is understandable, emotional experiences can be managed and they might find validation and a valued self.
I am an experienced Adult Psychotherapist (Psychoanalytic / Psychodynamic) trained within the NHS and at CEDAR before establishing a private practice. I am based in Torbay and Totnes. I will often work with clients who have experienced severe and complex trauma or difficult relational issues, particularly where these have arisen in childhood and continue to be problematic in later life.
Acknowledging that you need support can be very challenging and taking that first step towards therapy can be scary. Therapy can be a difficult emotional journey so we work without judgement and at your own pace. Your choices and your decisions will always be compassionately and respectfully observed and valued.

What is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is a therapeutic process which helps people understand and resolve their emotional and relational problems. It explores how an individuals experiences have shaped their perspective of the world and the ways in which our inner world has both influenced, and been influenced by, relationships in both the past and present. Its aim is to enable growth and provide a deep seated change in personality and emotional well being.
Psychotherapy aims to help people with serious psychological problems whose origins often lie in much earlier childhood experiences. It helps to understand and change complex, deep-seated and often unconsciously based emotional and relationship problems thereby reducing symptoms and alleviating distress. Many people who experience a loss of meaning in their lives, coping with loss or trauma, or who are seeking a greater sense of fulfilment are often helped psychotherapy.
People seek help for a variety of reasons. These may include eating disorders, psycho-somatic conditions, obsessional behaviour, or phobic anxieties. At other times help is sought because of feelings of depression or anxiety, thoughts of suicide or hopelessness, or an inability to form or sustain satisfactory relationships. Ultimately psychotherapy can contribute significantly to an individual's mental and physical health, to their sense of well-being and to their ability to manage their lives more effectively.

What should I expect?
Making the choice to see a therapist, not to mention finding someone you're comfortable with and trust can result in feeling vulnerable and confused. In the first session you will be asked to talk about your current life situation as well as important life experiences, events and relationships. Over time we work together to understand the core problems that you are currently facing as well trying to understand the origins of these problems. Therapy is not always easy and at times requires courage to explore memories and experiences that can be painful and overwhelming. Behaviours and ways of thinking that often create obstacles to us establishing meaning in our relationships and life in general are often difficult to understand and let go. The process of growth and awareness often requires an acknowledgement of our loss and vulnerability. This in itself is often an act of courage.
Each session in psychotherapy lasts an hour and patients are seen a minimum of once a week.This can be increased to twice or three times weekly.
Each session costs £60.
People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.
James Baldwin

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Victor Frankl
1 The Plains, Totnes, Devon TQ95DR